Become a Nipper at North Avoca SLSC

Join North Avoca Nippers for the 2024/25 Season

Nippers is a junior activity program run to educate children about surf safety, develop their beach awareness and teach them the skills to competently swim in the ocean. Children aged 5 to 14 years old gain confidence through our Sunday nipper days at North Avoca in a safe beach environment, while meeting new friends, having fun and working towards becoming a future surf lifesaver.

Sunday Nippers

Nipper days are held each Sunday with every age group having an Age Manager with one or two assistants. The Age Manager is responsible for the education, training and organisation of the group.

Nippers is held on Sunday mornings from mid-October to late February / early March with a break over the Christmas and New Year period.

Each Sunday all age groups will start on the beach in front of the club house with your age flag and manager.

Nipper program commences at 9.30am for ALL age group.

We encourage you to be there 15 minutes before the scheduled commencement time, and all nippers to be wearing their club swimming costumes, cap, sunscreen, optional wet shirt and bring their water bottle.

Age Managers will call a roll call and mark off an attendance sheet before a group warm up. Each age group has a timetable to follow alternating between beach and water events.

Children are not to leave the Clubhouse or its surrounds until collected by the adult responsible for them. At least one parent/guardian needs to be on the beach at all times. We recommend to tell the Age Manager where you will be if you are unable to be with the group.

U6 and U7 nippers are required to have one parent/guardian with the group at all times.

 Nippers Safety Policy

Some key messages to keep our nippers safe, please remember:

  • Parents must remain on the beach and assist where possible.
  • Nippers must wear the North Avoca SLSC cap and pink vest during nippers, at all training sessions and carnivals.
  • Nippers must be grouped and briefed prior to any water activities starting.
  • Nippers may not enter water until instructed by club water safety.
  • Sunscreen should be applied prior to nippers and during if necessary.
  • Hats can be worn by nippers during their beach activities.

Dates for your Diary 2024/25 Season

  1. First Day of Nippers for the 2024/25 Season – 13th October 2024
  2. First Training Session for 2024/25 Season-  For Nippers U9- U14: 24th September 2024, The Haven beach Terrigal pending weather
  3. Last Day of Nippers before the 2024 Christmas Break – Sunday 15th December Normal Nippers U6 & U7s. Carnival for U8 – U14s

North Avoca SLSC Snapshot of 2023/24

Some of the key duties carried out by the volunteer life savers throughout the 2023/24 season

Preventative Actions
First Aids
Patrol Hours

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